What are the different types of cbd oil?

What are the different types of cbd oil?

Full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolate cbd oil

If you have already consumed cbd oil or if you are interested in this product, you will certainly have heard these terms to qualify your cbd oil.

Here we are going to see the differences between full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolate cannabidiol oils and the reasons why to focus on one or the other of these categories of cbd oil.

What is cbd oil?

CBD oil is a vegetable oil, often hemp or olive oil, which is mixed with a concentrate of different cannabinoids that are present in the cannabis plant.

CBD oil allows you to enjoy the effects of cannabinoids in a practical and fast way with easy ingestion.

As its name suggests, cbd oil mainly allows you to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol, but as we will see later, there are certain categories of cbd oil that also concentrate other cannabinoids.

Full spectrum oil

Full spectrum cbd oil is one of those cannabidiol oils that also contains other cannabinoids. The name "full spectrum" means that all the cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant are represented in this cbd oil.

You will obviously find cannabidiol but also thc, cbg and cbn as well as many other cannabinoids that are naturally present in the cannabis plant. As far as thc is concerned, it will be restricted to a concentration of 1% for Switzerland and 0.3% for the European Union.

Broad spectrum oil

Broad spectrum cannabidiol oil is also a cbd oil that contains other cannabinoids than cbd. The term “broad spectrum” could be translated as “vast spectrum” and this concretely means that all cannabinoids are present in this cbd oil with the exception of thc which is entirely removed from it.

This cbd oil is particularly suitable for people who want a cannabidiol oil that is completely free of the controversial cannabinoid thc. With this oil, there is no risk of finding tetrahydrocannabinol inside, so people who cannot tolerate it, even in small quantities, or people who live in a country that is particularly restrictive regarding this molecule, can still benefit from the effects of other cannabinoids.

Oil isolate

Finally, cbd isolate oil is only loaded with cannabidiol and you will not find any of the other cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant inside. This oil is suitable for those who wish to consume only cannabidiol without having traces of other active molecules.

It is a cbd oil often considered to be of lesser quality but it is simply adapted to a particular category of person who does not wish to find molecules other than cbd in the oil they consume, for example by fear of possible drug interactions with cannabinoids less well documented than cannabidiol.

So we can ask ourselves why there are these different categories of oil and why not just settle for the isolate which only contains cannabidiol?

Entourage effect

The answer to this question can be summed up in this concept called the “entourage effect”. It would seem that the different cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant would act in concert to produce their own effects.

Indeed, the alliance of two cannabinoids would make it possible to produce certain benefits which would find a medicinal use only when they act in synergy and one or the other isolated would not produce the same consequence.

This is why full spectrum oils are often considered the most effective and versatile since they contain the entire cannabinoid spectrum of the plant, thus allowing maximum synergy between the different active agents they contain.


Now you know the different types of cbd oils as well as their particular uses and you can now make your choice in full knowledge of the facts without wondering what these different strange names that qualify cannabidiol oil mean.


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