What are Cannabinoids?

What are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are psychoactive molecules that interact with the human brain by binding to cannabinoid receptors. Some of these cannabinoids are naturally contained in cannabis, but not only, any molecule interacting with the cannabinoid system can be qualified as a cannabinoid.

The Cannabinoid System

The cannabinoid system of the human brain was so named because it was discovered during research on the active molecules of cannabis, but it not only serves to accommodate the effects of cannabis but also to regulate various natural physiological processes.

The Different Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids can have a natural origin as in cannabis for example, where research has identified more than a hundred and assumes that there are at least as many yet to be discovered.

In addition, the human body also naturally produces cannabinoids to ensure certain functions of the brain. We speak in this case of endocannabinoids because these are of endogenous origin.

In addition, cannabinoids can also be produced in the laboratory by the pharmaceutical industry with the aim of using them in medical applications. In this case, we are talking about synthetic cannabinoids.

The Cannabinoids of Cannabis

Cannabis naturally contains many cannabinoids and research is not yet sure why, but it seems to be a form of co-evolution between humans and cannabis.

Research is still in its infancy on this subject but it is still progressing and each year identifies new cannabinoids from the cannabis plant.

Among these we can obviously mention the THC which was the first discovered and studied but also the CBD which is more and more talked about. Other cannabinoids are being studied to try to understand them better, such as CBG or CBN.


THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychotropic molecule of cannabis. It is this active principle which gives its high effect to cannabis and which has caused its ban in many countries. It has a psychostimulant effect and is classified in the family of narcotics.


Cannabidiol is neither a psychotropic nor a narcotic which makes it legal in Switzerland and in most countries of the world. It delivers a light relaxation effect and relaxes the body.


Cannabigerol is quite similar to CBD: non-narcotic it is legal in most countries and delivers an effect comparable to that of CBD in a little lighter.


Cannabinol is neither illegal nor euphoric, but it is a little more particular than its cousins. CBN seems to have little effect alone but in adequacy with THC and certain terpenes it would seem to participate in a relatively powerful sedative effect but research is still underway on this subject.

The Surrounding Effect

The mechanism that appears to give cannabinol its effects is often referred to as the “entourage effect”. This refers to the synergy between the different cannabinoids which can interact with each other and produce different effects than if they were consumed alone.


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