The company,
From the start of the project, in 2020, our vision went beyond the idea of creating a cbd farm or a chain of CBD shops.
The first words constituting the reflection of our values and our common motivation, to undertake this project before the very constitution of the capital, were,
"Longevity, traceability, sharing, quality & respect".
From our beginnings, our philosophy has been to mark time and minds, without borders, as laws and mentalities evolve, offering over time a renowned reference for producers and consumers of legal cannabis.
The concept had to be ready to travel and anticipate the recreational side already present in certain countries without being outside the legal framework in its land of origin, Switzerland, which authorizes the sale of CBD according to specific legal rates (see FAQs).
"Ready to move forward wisely while stopping time."
Generate a duplicate mold of the banking system, making it possible to reference and share by country, over the course of travels, meetings and research, according to legal cannabinoids, according to producers, production sites and distribution of numbered and limited editions in order to bring value to time and its improvement, such as wine cellars.
How to bring traceability to both producers and consumers?
Each Goldbar420 buffered ingot is referred to its consumers via a serial number allowing the origin of the dry extracts, also known as resins or CBD hash and other cannabinoids, to be identified according to the laws and provenance.
An adult life thrives on sharing, closeness and conviviality. It is important to us to be able to offer our community and our customers the assurance of goodwill throughout our commercial exchanges and their tastings. We occasionally share a portion of our profits with certain charities. You can find all our actions via the Goldbar420 Charitable Section page.
By publicly sharing our productions with traceability allowing the identification of the goldbar420 brand, it is to evolve together towards a selection defined and confirmed by our team, then you, by providing a comment and an official note following each of your tasting.
The respect
The respect and integrity with which we started our business are guaranteed to guarantee you impeccable support and service.
The company is evolving under various demands, allowing us to extend our range of CBD products in Switzerland, such as the sale of flower, vape also says pen, ingots, the resulting oil and soon our CBD chocolates.
We are coming soon to Europe with an online store under the address, for cbd products below 0.3% Thc We plan to develop the brand in the United States within the year with the address
We save you many trips and surprises! Together, let's make Goldbar420 a world-class reference ingot mold.