What is the difference between THC and CBD?

What is the difference between THC and CBD?

Cannabidiol is still not well known and many people associate it with a drug, yet although CBD comes from cannabis, it is not considered a narcotic like THC. In this article, we will therefore focus on the differences between THC and CBD.

What is THC?

First of all, let's start with the psychotropic molecule of cannabis: THC. THC is directly responsible for the psychotropic effects of cannabis, it is this type of cannabis that is illegal since it is considered a narcotic. It causes well-known effects: euphoria, relaxation, creativity, appetite... But it also offers much less pleasant effects when consumed in large quantities: loss of balance, panic attacks, tachycardia...

Another detrimental effect of THC is that it causes addiction in users. It is therefore complicated to stop and when the body is deprived of it after long periods of consumption it can cause irritability, behavioral problems, difficulty sleeping. In short, you will have understood that THC, acronym for tetrahydrocannabinol, is not really the ideal molecule for everyone.

What is CBD?

CBD is also a cannabinoid that is found in cannabis but does not cause the same effects as cannabis at all. Indeed cannabidiol does not get high and does not cause any psychotropic effects, which is why it is not considered a drug. However, it has slight relaxation effects, which makes it an ideal ally for better sleep, to fight against stress. CBD is also currently being studied for its anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory properties. -oxidants but there are not enough studies on the subject to draw conclusions. However, we note that more and more consumers are turning to cannabidiol for its well-being properties.

Another big advantage of cannabidiol is that it does not cause heavy side effects like THC and above all no addiction in its users.

So what are the differences between THC and CBD?

Finally, the big difference between THC and CBD could be summed up in the fact that THC is classified as a drug but CBD is not. CBD is therefore an excellent way to enjoy the properties of cannabis without the harmful effects of classic cannabis. It is also increasingly used in scientific research as a replacement for THC thanks to the absence of side effects and dependence.

Among the most promising effects for CBD are the fight against anxiety, to help you sleep better, to fight migraines, to help muscle recovery after sport or to relieve joint pain.


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