Should CBD be consumed with tobacco?

Should CBD be consumed with tobacco?

Buying CBD in tobacco, a good idea?

Cannabidiol stores are becoming more and more popular, you have surely noticed the opening of many points of sale near you. But for the past few months it has also been possible to find CBD directly from your usual tobacco spot. But then, is it better to buy from a tobacco store or a specialized shop, this is what we will see in this article.

The concerns of CBD in tobacco

The CBD you can find in tobacco usually comes in a display case with the cannabidiol already packaged. This poses several problems:

  • The freshness of the product: Cannabidiol must be stored in good conditions, ie at the right temperature but also at the right humidity level. The cannabidiol in tobacco sometimes spends several months on the display and can quickly lose its freshness. This is why in specialized stores cannabidiol is kept in large containers and the humidity is regularly measured, which is not the case in tobacco.
  • Impossible to smell the product: Since the cannabidiol in tobacco is sold in sealed sachets, it is not possible to smell it, which makes the choice quite difficult for the customer. In the CBD shop it is possible to smell the product before buying.
  • Impossible to touch the product: As the bags are sealed, it is not possible to touch the product. However, it is an important criterion for judging the drying of cannabidiol. It is also important to squeeze the cannabidiol buds to smell the inside, this makes it easy to identify if terpenes have been added to your cannabidiol buds.
  • Lack of advice from tobacco sellers: Tobacco sellers generally don't know much about cannabidiol, they often haven't even tested their products, unlike specialized shops that will be able to advise you.

Why choose CBD Shops

In short, you will have understood that tobacconists are not really the most qualified to sell CBD. The CBD Shops are specialized in cannabidiol and will therefore be able to direct you to the cannabidiol that meets your needs. In addition, CBD shops are also much more careful about the level of quality of the cannabidiol they offer, indeed it is their core business and they must therefore offer superior quality.

So, buying CBD in tobacco, a good idea?

As I said most tobacconists don't really know their product and the quality sometimes leaves something to be desired. But beware, this does not mean that this is the case for all tobacco, some are supplied directly from specialized shops and therefore take the time to learn more about the product and to manage their stocks well so as not to lose in freshness.

In short, if you need cannabidiol, tobacco can help out, but if you want advice and the assurance of quality CBD, it is better to turn to CBD Shops.


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