
The different cbd cultivation techniques
   10/03/2022 11:54:51
The different cbd cultivation techniques


Cbd cannabis grown indoors is a cannabis that has benefited from a synthetic environment recreated by the grower using lamps and ventilation systems, that allow the natural processes necessary to grow cannabis to be simulated.

The advantage of this method of cultivation is to optimize the various parameters, such as light and temperature, in order to offer the plant an ideal context for it to produce a maximum of plant mass and therefore flower of cbd.

This generally results in higher quality cbd cannabis that produces denser, less leafy flowers that contain maximum cannabinoids.


The outdoor growing is the classic way of cultivating of cannabis. This takes place thanks to the natural light of the sun and it is subject to the various climatic hazards.

It is a growing method that allows you to save a lot on production costs, since there is no electricity bill or a large amount of expensive equipment to install.

The result is necessarily cbd cannabis of lower quality compared to cannabis produced indoors, but the price is generally lower than for indoor cbd flowers, which necessarily pass on the additional costs associated with this mode of production.


Greenhouse growing is a good compromise between the two cultivation methods mentioned above. By using a greenhouse, the grower has more control over his environment without increasing his costs too much, as it would be the case with indoor cultivation.

Greenhouse growers sometimes use lamps and heating systems to optimize the parameters, which sometimes makes it possible to obtain a comparable quality of culture indoors while limiting the electrical costs linked to the lamps since this one does not don't need to be turned on full time.


Finally we are also going to talk about hydroponics, which is a term that you have certainly heard before but which is nevertheless little known to the general public.

Hydroponics refers to a mode of cultivation known as "above ground" but which should rather be called "above ground" since the main characteristic of hydroponics is that it takes place on an inert substrate.

This mode of cultivation makes it possible to circumvent the natural functioning of the plant's nutrition by directly offering it a 100% assimilable nutrient solution with parameters such as ph and oxygenation perfectly adapted to perfect nutrition and growth of the plants explosive roots.

The result is “supercharged” cannabis that has been able to feed itself in a maximized manner, which increases crop yield and cannabinoid levels.


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