
What are the different parts of cannabis and their uses?
   03/27/2023 16:08:06
What are the different parts of cannabis and their uses?

The different parts of cannabis and their uses

Cannabis can be used in many fields whether it is textiles, food, medicine or recreational uses of cannabis are numerous.

We are going to see here some possible applications of the cannabis plant according to the different parts that compose it.


The roots of cannabis are not the most used part, although some make balms or herbal teas with them. According to Chinese medicine, these have benefits, but this is not yet well supported scientifically. Cannabis roots are also believed to have been used as an ingredient in gunpowder throughout history.


The trunk of cannabis is the most interesting part for industrial use; it is she who allows using the fiber to make clothes, paper and even natural plastic.

It is this part of cannabis that has been used for millennia to make various fabrics and ropes particularly used in the navy to equip boats with sails and ropes that allowed them to cross the seas and oceans.

The constitution and the American dollars of the time were also made with fiber from the trunk of cannabis.

the flower

The cannabis flower is the part that contains the psychoactive agents of cannabis, so it is used to heal or to have a good time. This is the part that has the most value and that allows cannabis to be particularly profitable when it is cultivated with the aim of commercializing the flowers.


The seeds are used in food and are an important source of vegetable protein. They are mainly eaten crushed in salads but it is also possible to make hemp seed oil with it to enjoy a vegetable oil full of protein with a little nutty taste.


Cannabis leaves can be used to make hashish using the smaller leaves which are covered in trichomes. It is a very simple way to enhance this part of the plant which is often considered post-manicure waste.

In addition, large cannabis leaves are an excellent way to mulch your crops. The leaves will allow once spread at the foot of your culture to preserve the humidity thus limiting the watering but by decomposing they will also release nitrogen in the soil which will allow you to benefit from a biological and particularly effective fertilizer. .


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