The true meaning of 420
If you are a cannabis consumer you must have come across this number which seems intimately linked to this plant. 420 is a number that immediately brings cannabis to many people's minds and April 20 is even declared World Cannabis Day due to the date being written as 4/20 in the United States of America. It is obviously this legend that surrounds this number that inspired the name of our brand "GoldBar420" and many others like happy420 CBD420...
But what is its true origin and why did such an innocuous and at first glance so little connotation number end up being some form of cannabis emblem?
False leads...
Many people explain that 4:20 am would be the best time to smoke a joint and that this is why the number 420 is intimately linked to cannabis. Although the best time to smoke a joint is up to everyone, this is not why 420 is so connoted in connection with cannabis.
Nor is it the Bob Dylan song "Rainy Day Woman no." 12 and no. 35" which would have given this figure by a judicious multiplication of 12 and 35 although it may be the number 420 which inspired the title by a subtle division of this number which interests us today since its use predates the famous Bob Dylan song.
Finally, this "debunking" is not the identifier used by the American police to report the use of cannabis on the walkie talkie.
But then what is the real explanation?
The truth
The reality is so convoluted that it certainly explains all the alternative explanations that surround this myth.
This term of 420 was originally used by cannabis users who met in local parks to share a good time around cannabis, this at 4:20pm, the time of change of the brigades Stup, "narcotics ”, which pass from the day tour to the night tour.
This period of time allowed consumers to find themselves calm, knowing that they had little chance of being checked during this hour.
It is in this way that the number 420 is now used in many situations to subtly evoke cannabis such as in many movies or in roommate search ads that say "420 friendly" so that only insiders can understand that it refers to cannabis.
The code 420 has been part of customs for a long time, the origin remains unclear but having lived a few years on American and Canadian soil, the story that most often emerges on the number 420 is the one cited above.