How to make a cbd flower tea?

How to make a cbd flower tea?

You may have already thought of making a cannabidiol flower tea. This preparation may seem simple and within everyone's reach: it is, but we must not omit a few details that will make all the difference and allow you to make the most of the cannabidiol contained in cbd flowers.

We are therefore going to see here what are these little reflexes that will allow you to make a cbd flower infusion worthy of the name.


In order for the cannabidiol contained in your cbd flowers to be bioavailable, your flowers will have to undergo a transformation step that will allow them to release as much cannabidiol as possible in your body.

This step is called decarboxylation and even if this word may seem very complicated what it designates is nevertheless a fairly simple process to put in place.

To do this, simply put your flowers in the oven at a temperature of 110° for 45 minutes, which will transform the cbd into a form of this molecule that is more assimilable for the body.


The second reflex to have when preparing a cbd flower infusion is to add fat to your drinking water. Indeed, as cannabidiol is hydrophobic, it will not mix with water but it is, on the other hand, fat-soluble which means that it will mix very well with fat.

For this you can use milk or coconut oil for example which will allow your infusion to be fully loaded with cannabidiol.

Infusion time

In addition, we also advise you to infuse your flowers in the herbal tea for about 10 minutes to give the cannabinoids time to migrate to your infusion to make the most of their effects.


You now have all the cards in hand to make cbd flower infusions worthy of the name and to make the most of the benefits of cannabidiol.


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