How to consume cbd oil?

How to consume cbd oil?

CBD oil is a product that allows you to quickly and easily benefit from the effects of cannabidiol, but it is not necessarily obvious how you should use it.

We are going to see here what are the few reflexes to have when consuming cbd oil in the best possible way.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is a vegetable oil, usually olive or hemp oil, that is loaded with some concentration of cannabidiol and sometimes even other cannabinoids. It must not contain more than 1% THC to be legal in Switzerland and no more than 0.3% for the European Union.

It can be full spectrum when it contains all the cannabinoid spectrum present in cannabis, or broad spectrum when it contains all the spectrum except THC and isolate when it contains only cannabidiol.

Whatever its type, the idea is to be able to take advantage quickly and in an optimized way of the benefits of cannabidiol and possibly the other cannabinoids it may contain.

What is cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol, which is the name behind the acronym CBD, refers to a cannabinoid present in cannabis. This active agent of the plant is not psychotropic, unlike its cousin tetrahydrocannabinol, the concentration of which is highly regulated in most countries and which causes the prohibition of most varieties of cannabis which concentrate more than 1% for the Switzerland and 0.3% for the European Union.

CBD is completely legal in most countries because it does not cause euphoria and is not recognized as a narcotic by the WHO. On the other hand, it is an active molecule of cannabis and therefore does have an effect on the brain of mammals.

The effects of cannabidiol can be summarized by a relaxation effect, mental calming and relaxation of the muscles.

The supposed applications of cbd are numerous and scientific research is still testing their veracity.

Whatever happens, it seems fairly certain that CBD has an effect on mood and on the body by causing a certain calming which can obviously open up many medicinal applications on sleep or anxiety for example.

Now that we are clear on what CBD oil is, let's see how to use it in the best way.

How to ingest CBD oil?

As we saw above, CBD oil contains active molecules that will have an effect on the endocannabinoid system of mammals, which means that to get the most out of the effects of CBD oil, you will have to choose a mode of consumption that allows not to alter its various active agents.

To do this, the best way to ingest CBD oil is sublingually, which means "under the tongue". With this method, the active molecules such as cannabidiol will not be damaged or modified by the digestion process, which would take place if one swallowed the CBD oil directly.

In addition, the sublingual route, in addition to not altering the active agents, will have the result of allowing them to pass directly and quickly into the blood system through the small vessels present under the tongue.

With this method, cannabidiol can easily reach the brain without having undergone any particular alteration due to the various physiological processes, that would be counterproductive when taking cannabidiol oil.

In addition, it will be necessary to wait about 1 minute with the CBD oil under the tongue before swallowing so that it can properly enter the bloodstream before reaching the stomach.

With this method, the effects of CBD should be felt in about thirty minutes and with maximum efficiency.


You now have all the keys in hand to successfully take your CBD oil in the best possible way and you can now benefit from the effects of cannabidiol knowingly with the most optimized method.


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